Apotiposis uses state-of-the-art equipment and high precision instruments, aiming to undertake and accurately execute any kind of topographic project. The company specializes -among others- in the creation of topographical diagrams. The topographical diagram has a multidimensional and dynamic nature, while it's also necessary for a wide range of applications, like:

• Notarial transactions (real estate transfers, acquisitions, sales etc.)
• Issuance of building permits
• Forestry inspections
• Delimitation, separation and defragmentation of land or agricultural parcels
• Land registry
• Implementation corrective actions
• Street plans and building lines mapping

The following are required for a proper topographical diagram:

• Field measurement with high precision equipment
• Survey reports for the integrity of the property and the implementation of the declaration of L651/77
• Measurements processing, based on the abovementioned report

The topographical diagram, which can be drawn in various mapping scales depending on the location, its final use and technical specifications, accurately reflects the following:

• Geometric features, like the property's shape and size
• Any items possibly located within the property
• The property's coordinates, whether on an independent system -arbitrarily defined- or on the dependent Greek Geodetic Reference System of 1987

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