Established in 1999, Apotiposis is a technical company that provides outstanding comprehensive services in the field of Topographic Engineering. The company boasts a diverse experience in topographical and road construction studies, as well as in special topographical surveys of any scale and for every use, while its equipment is continually upgraded, aiming to provide high precision measurements and ultimately high quality services during the entire project, as well as after its completion (after sales service).

More specifically, Apotiposis can provide topographical diagrams -regardless of position, use and technical specifications-, accurate special surveys for buildings, special constructions, monuments and industrial geodesy, as well as full support to construction sites, always complying with all the necessary technical requirements and within the mutually agreed timelines and budget.

The staff of Apotiposis is highly trained and boasts a great deal of experience in infrastructure projects. It consists of professionals with diverse backgrounds and considerable depth, such as Topographical Engineers, Architects, Civil and Mechanical Engineers, Foremen and other specialized associates from the field of construction. The interdisciplinarity of the company's staff, the reliable services rendered, the state-of-the-art equipment and the high-speed completion times clearly prove that Apotiposis has the necessary material and technical infrastructure, as well as a targeted, yet broad professional background.

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