Apotiposis can provide full construction site support, as part of its comprehensive services. Apart from its full-time personnel -Topographical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Architects and Civil Engineers-, the company also employs foremen, mechanics and specialized staff from the field of construction. This experienced team of professionals can manage construction projects of any scale and nature, in the private or the public domain. Apotiposis offers the following construction site support services:

• Initial state surveys (topographical chart)
• Mapping (property's delimitation, building positioning, accurate tracings)
• Area measurement - Titration
• Longitudinal sections - Cross sections

By offering the abovementioned services, Apotiposis aims to provide the necessary information to the project managers, as well as an effective administrative and technical support during all the progress stages, from mapping and delimitating the plot or the property, to the supervision, renovation, restoration or even construction of any building. The company strictly complies with all the mandatory technical requirements and completes any project undertaken within the mutually agreed deadlines and budget.

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